Well, that's no good because a name is not tangible. Quick - give me all your jewelry! We'll melt it down and mass produce some blue and GOLD CALF rings.
There. That's better. We need a name we can SEE.
how often did we as witnesses say something like this : "unlike members of false religion, who venerate or worship through statues or idols, we give our focus to jehovah!".
members of religious groups focus their religious adoration via an image or statue.
they do this in order to provide some sort of focus to their need to worship.. witnesses give extreme focus on the name "jehovah" .
Well, that's no good because a name is not tangible. Quick - give me all your jewelry! We'll melt it down and mass produce some blue and GOLD CALF rings.
There. That's better. We need a name we can SEE.
“october 1, 1914, on taking his place at the breakfast table in the brooklyn bethel dining-room, he in a strong voice denoting conviction announced: “the gentile times have ended!” “ – watchtower july 15, 1950 page 216 paragraph 1. .
@nowwhat? You just blew my mind.
didn't know exactly which subject area to put this under, but i was curious about what you guys do around this time for holidays, particularly halloween.
my view on halloween in particular has always been as this pagan, demonic celebration.
even now that i discovered ttatt i still feel the same way i do about halloween, i don't ever think it's something i'd celebrate.
I can understand your aversion to the holiday. What former Witness wants to go out knocking on strangers' doors after a lifetime of doing that?
correct me if i'm wrong--.
when a new-build or existing property is acquired for use as a kingdom hall----is it still the custom to have a sort of "dedication to jehovah" type of service ?.
if it is--what happens when the property is sold ?
@stuckinarut2 That giant stone statue of Buddha probably didn't look unlike the stone statue they have of Mark up at Warwick:
how many times have you heard that trope?.
i found it more irritating than a dose of farmers on the bum.
i've even said it when i was a brainwashed jobo drone.
@ToesUp Identical situation for me. My mother plays that card a lot just so she can prove how "loving" and caring everyone is, even though I've become inactive. Yet, not one text message or phone call. Don't get me wrong - I'm relieved I haven't been harassed by such ones. I just can't help but notice how much it reeks of insincerity when my mother tells me that "so-and-so really cares about you. They always ask where you are," etc.
sooner or later it happens to all of us.the time comes for us to draw our last breath and pass from this life into the next.over the years history has recorded some fascinating "famous last words"...here are a few.. "i've never felt better".douglas fairbanks,sr.,actor.. "iam about to----or i am going to-----die;either expression is correct".dominique bouhours,french grammarian.. "don't let it end like this.tell them i said something.
"pancho villa,mexican revolutionary.. "all my possessions for a moment of time!
"elizabeth 1,queen of england.. "everybody has got to die,but i have always believed an exception would be made in my case.now what?
"Listen carefully, because this is where I have buried the money. It's near.............." [flatlines]
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
well, it's been a long time!
i first lurked here around 20 years ago and read huge amounts of threads which certainly helped when i was making my decision to leave the religion.
i was never baptised (resisted it!
@MaryKN Ja, I see my mother at least once a week. And we text a lot. If ever scriptural matters come up in writing (text or email), I address them matter-of-factly by using the Bible if I can disprove the point she's trying to drive home (ie, disfellowshipping, meeting attendance, God having an organization). She won't ever reply but will bring it up in a snide way the next time I see her, saying (with an intoxicated smirk) "you think I was born yesterday, you think you know more about the Bible than your father and I do," without addressing what scriptural points I'd highlighted to expose the fallacious reasoning she'd tried to sell me. Again, I just nod, shrug my shoulders and give a wan smile. One of pity. She's not a well person. No drug addict is.
well, it's been a long time!
i first lurked here around 20 years ago and read huge amounts of threads which certainly helped when i was making my decision to leave the religion.
i was never baptised (resisted it!
@MaryKN I've developed a bit of a mental strategy by drawing a parallel between WT slaves (my parents) and drug addicts. I had a period of my life where I got hooked on drugs and the party scene. I took it to the extreme and hit rock bottom. That's when I decided to sober up. As I got clean, I'd still run into my old party friends who were still going strong. And they'd tell me how much I was missing - that I've become so "boring" and need to "get on it a little", etc. At first, I'd try and explain what I'd achieved with my sobriety and how much my life has improved, how much happier I am, how my mental breakdowns had ceased, et cetera. But they would have none of it. They'd reason their way around it. It took some time before I finally realized it: I was trying to validate myself to people with diminished mental capacity due to their ongoing intoxication. Their sense of reality was warped. And I quietly started to pity them when they'd make desperate pleas for me to "come back". Misery loves company, even when they're convinced that they're having the "best time (life) ever". So when I would see them, I'd smile knowingly, give their shoulder a squeeze and just roll with the verbal jibes."You sound like you're having fun. That's nice."
The correlation I draw between these slaves to hard drugs and our family who are slaves to the WT is, both substances (one is chemical, one is propaganda) are potent and are inhibiting our loved ones' ability to think. They cannot see clearly. They need their fix in order to put one foot in front of the other and get through the week. Their mental facilities and ability to see logic have been hijacked. So when my mother goes on a rambling tirade about how doomed I am, that I'm making a mistake, that I should just try come back to one meeting - just to get a taste for what I'm missing, that I "must be miserable", that I NEED to come back... I just smile and remember quietly that this isn't my mother talking. It's the WT drug and the skewed reality she's living in. All it takes is a polite smile and a simple (yet persistent), "that's interesting", or "that's nice" to dissolve both the situation at hand, and the mental anguish I may start to feel.
There's no sense trying to reason with someone intoxicated.
jwvictims.org has another breaking news article out of canada: https://jwvictims.org/2017/10/02/breaking-news-66-million-class-action-suit-request-filed-against-jws-in-canada/.
@Brokeback Watchtower Actually, the NWT renders Matt 5:15 as "People light a lamp and set it, not under a basket, but on the lampstand, and it shines on all those in the house."
By their very definition, the WT most certainly is a basket case.
this journalist's love of the watchtower sign in brooklyn is a bit disturbing ... and weird.
i assume he was not raised a jehovah's witness, as the sign evokes fond memories for him seeing the sign's night glow of red showing the time and temp.
he takes pictures of the sign from multiple locations and angles as a "keepsake".
On behalf of Brooklyn, here's a nice, warm, red glow for the WT headquarters: